
So there are hundreds of people fleeing countries and some countries are closing the borders.


What’s going to happen to the people caught between?

We don’t know.

Why are they fleeing their own countries when Africa and the Islamic world is on the way up. I don’t get it. The amenities in Qatar were insane.

Perhaps the Western world provides greater freedoms. Better wages. No hierarchy.

So, why do we usher through these tent cities and then what

I don’t understand

I mean. So we have all these disasters all the time and Fiji and everything, you know with half the known military world

I’m not sure

That big ship and stuff anyway, and then what happens?

That’s for you to find out.

I mean, so we just go disaster, development, fragile state, aid, and then what?

Not all the countries in the world have viable economies

Why not


What do you mean why not?

I mean, why not? Surely there is some brainiac in each country that has worked out what their assets are. I mean, assets. They must have something. Someone must have worked out a way for them to survive

Compared to….you’re not going overseas again. You’re just Sri Lankaing again.

I’m not! You could argue this with so many little countries! What is the plan?

What do you mean what is the plan? The ADB, the World Bank and the new AIIB

Do they have any money and when will they have any money and what can they earn?

Maybe they are

I don’t believe you

Which bit?

You create a culture of dependency and exodus but I think what we need to know is when, how and

Community groups

You know, community groups are often given small time grants and run by women, they don’t ever make big money and quite frankly, if you want us to hem your pants you should just say so

That makes no

My point is, it’s pretty patronising these little women grants that effectively don’t make women the controllers of their environment

That’s up to them

I say take over the media, run big business, that’s obvious. Bugger sitting around knitting booties in some ethical workshop that won’t make a brass razoo

You are not helpful

Either are you.

Back to refugees

Point one, what does a larger refugee population give you, point two, what are the limitations of the state in accepting non-citizens, point three, how does the state fund the new fleeing inpiduals, point four, how do countries that are already poor deal with a swathe of immigrants and who – other than NGO’s – will assist in their rehabilitation, and point five, most importantly – how does this change the demography of existing countries and or the politics?

Are you suggesting a greater Islamic population

I am not suggesting anything

Are you suggesting this might affect policies such as the Palestine question?

I didn’t say anything. I don’t know what you are talking about.

You should be careful about asserting such things.

What I find incredible about the middle class is their ability to pretend they have no agenda and to distance themselves from anything closely resembling their own dirty work. That is delusional.

It is called respectful realities

Really? Then working out who working on Palestine is related to a former Balfour advocate should be a cinch

And what would it prove

Nothing. Just tell me when there is agreement coming up. That’s all that matters.

Oh, so you’ll edit out violence

If it makes me a pawn, yes. There is no difference between paying a child to carry a machine gun and feeding a colleague drip rubbish. Ethically, it is the same.

But the violence is the issue

No, who is paying people to engage in violence is the issue.

Does it matter if the outcome is a good one?

I don’t know. Historically yes, for the purposes of humanity probably not.

Perhaps we liked bastard history. It makes us happy.

Ah yes, because you’ve edited out your complicity.

And you?

Oh no. Look what I am wearing. I wear it every day.

Will you apologise to China?

When it apologises for putting gas in my apartment.

You’re a piece of work.

I mean, I could take it to the human rights commission if I wanted. The claims and counter claims would make you puke quinoa. Not a bad idea though.

Are you going to take America to the UN over bad partner choices?

Depends if it was malicious intent with some sort of State sanction. In that case, I might. But I have a sneaking suspicion it might have just been my personal ineptitude. My plankton net had holes in it.

Are you shark, fish, dolphin or whale today?

I’m a colony of exotic fish that choose to camouflage according to need.

Oh that’s convenient. I think politics suits you.

There’s no need to be nasty.