You can’t say that there doesn’t need to be more ethical and moral


Depends on who is defining the moral 


But it is clear


Nothing ever has been clear


Rule of law and ethical concerns are of paramount import in cleaning up politics


It’s an inside game. Every revolution


But what about the casinos and development in other countries that


I wasn’t suggesting they don’t need cleaning up. They do! But how many people actually care about the flotsam hanging at the bottom of the tree


That is just upper middle class tripe


How about you try


If you cause more trouble than you are worth


That’s the way. Knock us all off. Especially the ones who are trouble. You’d get together and knock us off if you had half the chance. Do it by other means regardless


It is how you respond to the adverse circumstances


Good. Then the State will participate in a Hunger Games type job qualification regime? Sounds glorious


You don’t think we haven’t been


I don’t think job insecurity is your bag, sorry.


There are pressures


No-one deserves constant harassment you perforated pungent pile of corpuscular camels piss


Lovely. Then I suggest you


If people are going to harass you eventually you will turn the tables and there will be consequences


Not very Christian


There are a few theologies running around the place not just Christianity


Oh so you can change religions to suit the argument


Sounds to me like a political twitter debate. Sure.


Well I am not sure you are going to pull it off.


The only thing I wish to pull off is sanity


You bloody well haven’t been descreeminated against Meryl


Don’t you tell me


Sounds to me you are trying to justify


No! I am simply saying, violent manipulation via subtle means produces exactly …..anyway I am tired and I


Oh poor Martha. You’re just struggling because struggling makes you feel alive, buying time until the next fabulous idea drops and you work your way back onto that glorious stage to the sound 


Get out!


Pushes roughly against him 


Closes door trembling