So what did you do there?




On your trip


Oh I just heard more on the islands 




And the same. 


So it was a waste of time


No. A few things fell into place. Historically relevance of positioning. The position still matters. So it seems.


But it wasn’t clear


Nothing is clear




Well it is hard to talk about the same thing for six years. I mean unless you get an inside ASEAN briefing and that would make Syriana look like






While we perch offshore 


Precisely my point 


How is Greater Sunrise going?






Hard to say. I am not there. I could be a strategic suppository.


Can’t you get your hands on some memo?


Sure. Whether it would be accurate is another thing.


Do you need to bring the Catholic thing up again? 


No. It was just a point. It is like non-Western states always blaming the Yanks. I don’t think the Yanks are the reason some sections of South East Asia are slowly rebuilding 


There was a currency crisis


Yes. But in the end you either rule cleverly and disperse funds adequately or you don’t


I’m not sure the Iranians 


Please. Between the Mullahs and our Priests. The great human condition. Blaming the externals. 






You’ve done your fair share. 


It was accurate. Anyway, it is simply the reality of poverty that is offensive. 


So you claim


You try it 


No you first


I wonder if you can claim technological discrimination 




My inability to view first hand strategic matters with the imprimatur of military experts makes me feel there is technological discrimination. Do you think you have to join the club?




Can you have alternative view points and be elevated? 


Depending on political necessity. I think it bores you anyway.  


Not when you see people breathing in black dust. Filthy fucking oceans in some parts


Well then you have to thank the technological gods for creating work that reduces that possibility


But populates us with wealthy Silicon Valley types that make me feel inferior. Little pricks.


You complain about the cool class my friend but they are the ones that lead everyone to salvation. 


Hmm. No fucking Antarctic voyage for me. I will not watch Penguins in the new world die out. That’s if they’re not eaten. Speaking of which, the Arctic meet is coming up. 


Heading over? 


Thinking about it. Another fucking essay on the Northern route. What I want to know is, once we’re all overpopulated where will we all go on holiday? 


We’ll look after our parents and worship Roman gods 


Makes you wish for a cult led by a charismatic outsider


And therein lies the appeal 


Jesus dressed up as Ned Kelly. That would be a national holiday in Mexico.


You’d offend everyone. Mostly Kelly’s.


Wouldn’t be a tribe you’d mess with 


No. If there was a box on the census, majority of this lot would pick it under spiritual affiliation. 


You couldn’t argue with it


Do over the Roman flavour in an instant


I wonder if they have a course in some butt-fuck Ivy League joint about anti-institutionalism in this part of town 


It’s a Phd with a lot of practical assessment. Subtle gradations that take years to decipher. You’d have to know the tonal variations and upward inflections


You make it sound romantic and almost empiric. May I suggest a regional bank?