It would be alright if the whole world wasn’t always doing something.

I mean you just get over one hump and something else happens and you have no idea what that could possibly mean and you haven’t even seen the pebbles in the ocean.
Planes screeching through the sky. Doing it on purpose. Maybe.
It’s alright though because there has been Adoration and I am thinking about the next thing that captures it. 
Languid days doing nothing.
I like that part. 
I can breathe.
Why do I have to care about the Middle East? They’ve been throwing rocks at each other for centuries and now that UN resolution tells you everything so good. And god. It’s not like I know anyone. 
I don’t wanna go in and hear everyone argue. It’ll do my head in. She said this and he said that and they did this and he did that and so we want this. 
I read that read out thing of OB’s and Xi’s meeting and well, what’s to say exactly?
Get me to some islands and I’ll throw some daiquiri’s out the window.
‘You lying pieces of crap, here, make it an official holiday.’
My mother wouldn’t like me saying those things. She’d think it was very unCatholic. God and I parted ways at the bit where everyone beats one person up and Christians work for free. 
I don’t think I am very Catholic.  
I am mostly thinking of ways to get people back for stuff they did and I would except I forget about it. It’s not amnesia. I just find something else that is more interesting. ‘ It’s time to check out a major waterway so I can get rich and marry a shipbuilder!’ ‘Maybe I’ll found a telecommunications empire!’
You know, stuff based on reality.
‘I want to make money from North Australia! There’s no water there but let’s go find out how to do it’.
Next thing you know it is Australian government policy. 
It’s very professional this sort of consulting. It’s like the Famous Five but there’s only two and one is a Labrador. 
So then I forget I’m too angry with myself for looking like an idiot that I forget who it was that I had mentally tied to a torture rack before dousing them with my credit card bills.
Usually the military. 
‘You patronise me I’m going to get you you think I don’t know how good you’ve got it think that women can’t know strategy I’ve been reading your dumb reports and don’t think I don’t know..’ so on and so forth.
Incredibly productive feedback proffered with certain alacrity and charm. So accurate and up to the minute. 
‘Is that a plane?’
I wonder if they’re thinking about strata-ing the military compounds on those islands in the Sth China Sea.
‘I’m going for recycled timber with natural light’. 
Thousands of lawyers and they can’t make their mind up. They’ll be trying to work out what clause means what and which country gets what, toiling night after night. Me, I’m I love the clothes and the free food but this work sucks. How do I build my first Digital Agency that will beam from space? I’m going to buy up all the optic fibre and I’ll be a gazillionaire but everyone will love me because deep down I will be a philanthropist.
And I will dress well and say the right things.
‘I am working on my organic garden patch. Busy with the kids.’
My delicately dyed denim will flow in the wind like a Lauren ad, organic cotton scratching away at my buffed skin. ‘I’ve put a fund together and we’re investing in Africa.’ Our eyes will meet and years later, you’ll hear the pitter patter of a kale smoothie and an adopted child.
‘Get off Buddy. He is not a toy!’
Trying to understand old writers.  They take forever to say anything and in the end either the girl gets the man or the girl loses the man or the girl had a baby with a priest. I watch the movies first anyway and I think they’re better. I think they are original. The Movie about Bathsheba Everdene was way better than the book because Gabriel was beautiful. In the book he sounds like a mute idiot who prays. Not really but he doesn’t seem that intelligent. I mean, he didn’t convey his natural intelligence. Not at first. Am I clarifying? Fortunately he doesn’t have to say much in the movie and in the movie you can see why she’d want the Shepherd in the end. I haven’t met that many stupid Shepherds. So he should have written it better at first.
I think I am going to watch the Pentagon movies online because well, then I don’t have to hear about babies wailing and all that misfortune stuff. It’s exhausting. Its sort of boring and they have it on a loop track thing. That’s not really true but sort of true but you can’t say that.
I thought all the rich kids were helping the poor people I thought that was what Chelsea Clinton was doing so how come we always have to see them shuffling in a dirt patch with a voiceover that wants me to thank them for asking me to give them more money? How come the journalists don’t just solve it anyway?
I don’t get it.
I’d solve it. Just solve it. Then I’d be Prime Minister and it’d be easy.
I’d prefer to think the good things up then have to listen to the other stuff.
So yeah, I guess I prefer to be naively optimistically energetic than malaisedly mired in the torpor of finessed nothing.
I don’t get it anyway.
So I can’t.
I am from the UC (UnUnctuous Class). There is a moral every five seconds around here. I am allergic to morals. They upset me. I just don’t understand them. People shout them at you but I still don’t get them. I’m like,  what? Who said? And then I find seventeen different clauses via experiences I have had that distinctly and definitely contradict that moral. And the allegedly immoral person gets to be the winner sometimes.
And no-one says anything.
So explain that to me. 
Yeah, life is sometimes just really unfair. 
But I think it then changes.
And the unfair bit becomes fair so yeah. 
It all balances out.
Hunger upset me. Why did Steve McQueen have to go making that for? Kicked my guts in. Mad Irish bastards. 
Oh yeah, the point.
World Events. Well. Basically the story has A doing wrong to B and C suffers. So D decides to help B and C even though D knows A really well and effectively understands that A is helping B realise B/C’s dreams but it is better to create C’s suffering so we can all understand the importance of something and in the end all will be well and lines will change. 
Neither A B C or D will tell you this. E might and will get his/her arse kicked. Or be really famous. But not if they lie. Because then everyone will know and it will not be that interesting like those films that say it is a true story we know it is not a true story so it is not that interesting. 
But I like international relations anyway. I just don’t watch many reports. Unless they are good. That’s fair.
There is a lot so who can see them all? 
I also like Joe Biden. I don’t know why. Maybe because I fell off my bike in front of his security detail.
Yeah, that’s probably why.