Abe and Bibi sitting on a wall. 

The test went off just as they were sitting down to dinner


Of all the things

Oh, certainly just enough to call a broke outdoor dunny 

Not Japan darling. Super dunnies. 

I was talking about North Korea 

Ah. The last bastion of credible threats. Although a nuclear test is a bit 

Oh put the dressing room lights up 

Ring Beyonce 

It must be hard once being the Western industrial powerhouse after being defeated and now it would seem the laaaarrge neighbour 

To the North

To the North!! Charge!

Ah. Now there is to be no historical parallels. People will get ideas. We don’t like ideas. We like apartments and plants and green things and inedible ingredients in our breakfast bowl

Johnny is sick again. I only just got him into private school. 

At two months, we have time darling. 

What happens if I die and I haven’t got a powerful network of friends? I mean, I will have no-one to compare myself to. I won’t be able to live in luxurious circumstances while I consult in a developing world

You’ll bring back fabulous anecdotes about the poor people and feel that you have contributed. You’ll put someone through school and say all the right things. 

Lack of air conditioning. Remonstrating about the pollution. Our work will be cut out for us.

I wish I could have made up the Sony story.

It was a good one.

Yes, just throw a bomb down or two and then create a successful electronics company. I wonder what they have in store for Xi

Jack Ma as a Western oligarch. Aspen will tell us. Consult the oracle. You know what they say.

Don’t say that, that is very ’92

I thought people were complaining about authoritarian governments 

Yes the contrarians are concerned they’ll have to behave 

in unison never 

Well if the bad loans keep up

What is the language of the AIIB? I mean French and English rule at the UN, but what about the AIIB? Mandarin? Cantonese? Portuguese? 

Don’t know love. It will be one with a lot of noughts at the end.

I mean, if we have to get all Silk Road, I’ll have to find something new to wear

Just wear grey cotton and white sneakers. Everyone does. It is universal. 

I don’t know about this egalitarian casual wear. I could wear some vodka. 

The old Russia trick. Takes me back to the Department in ’56

Yes when there were real threats 

Not just people wearing black robes and slitty little headdress 

Or black robes astride someone wearing a slitty dress 

Yes when black robes represented someone you should run a mile from or toward depending on the pay out 

Now they’ll deport you

Cheaper in Canada. Better healthcare anyway.


Do you think those Africans really have no fingers? 

I don’t know. 

I mean, Africans with no fingers, dead elephants, forests de-forested, beached whales from sonar, 

Listen, if they start fucking with the surf we’ll have a groundswell of opinion. What about if I bring the African with no fingers on a dead elephant and beach the whales at Manly during the surfing festival 

Good fucking idea

You can chop down a tree and make it land on Bruce’s three million dollar beach hideaway

The architect will be furious! It took them years to get that through council 

I did tell them rusted pre-used anchors as the roof material wouldn’t quite work 

Oh I don’t know. Was the wood treated before it used? I mean, it could leech into the waterways 

Bugger the house, I’d have to remove the native arboretum. They’re not fucking with those grevilleas.